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Community Garden Demonstration Project

A community garden demonstration project is a means for introducing new techniques and information about the production of food products and fosters healthy eating and nutrition.  Individual garden plots typically are grown to feed the needs specifically of the residents of that garden plot.  People grow the things that their family is familiar with.  This garden will be grown for the whole community by the whole community rather than in individual plots.


A demonstration garden plants new varieties that may not have been tried and opens the ideas of how to potentially garden with some different methods than have been used in the past.   Education programs will focus on teaching new information and techniques.


The demonstration garden will also have a youth garden area where the youth of the community can come to try out their growing skills and build educational knowledge about the science of gardening and plant growth as well as healthy eating of the produce they grow.  At least they can try something one time and then never eat it again.   Growing healthy children is the goal of every family.


The demonstration garden can also introduce new techniques and ideas such as:  vermiculture, composting, row mulching, square foot planting, heirloom produce varieties, differential crop growth and rotation in the home garden.  Educational programs have been developed to include all the members of the community who are interested in learning as well as invitations to local villages to come visit the demonstration garden with a goal of involving them in the development of community gardens in their own villages.


The 2700 square foot demonstration garden will be housed on the Northwest corner of the former New Douglas Elementary School so that residents can watch the garden grow and maybe stop to ask some questions ... watch for more updated information and links to items related to the garden. 



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