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The New Douglas Village Market has as its goals to produce opportunities for village residents to access fresh vegetables and fruits at reasonable prices to enhance a healthy diet and lifestyle.  The Market also intends to be a venue for education, recreation, sharing and community growth, and nutrition demonstrations and education.  Please join us and bring your friends to support the market. Find the map to the market on the Visit Us Page

Vendors and their Wares
Beckerts Pork Products and Eggs
Ernst Farms Beef and Sweet Corn
Hillamam Pecans from Sorento
Madison County Honey and beeswax items
B & K Bakery Bread and pastries
New Douglas Community Garden produce
The Family Garden - produce, fruit, plants, herbs
Tupperware Sales Group with discounted products, new offerings and options to set up a party
L.D.s Woodworking Projects - local wood products by a New Douglas resident
more woodworking products, soaps and oils, pottery, quilts and other sewing projects, and more - watch for new vendors
Community Garden Report
A decision was made after the village was disqualified for the foundation garden grant to develop a small garden on the township property at the old New Douglas Elementary School site.   The hope is that the village will come to see the value of a cooperative gardening site to help feed those members of the community who can either no longer garden on their own, are living on a fixed income, or who really want to learn more about how to garden in their own yard. 
Any excess produce from the garden will be sold at nominal prices at the New Douglas Village Market to assist in supporting the garden expenses. 
Basic produce will be planted this year in a demonstration garden and members of the community are invited to come work with the Market Master in the garden, participate in education programs for the children in a children's garden, learn about composting, rainwater harvesting, vermiculture, beneficial insects, mulching and weed management, and square foot gardening.  The Master Gardener Program at the Illinois Extension Service will be assisting in the education programs for the community related to the garden.
Educational Programs at the Market

Monthly a program will be presented by an expert in the fields of gardening, plants and landscape, nutrition, health, and crafts that will build new knowledge and skills for members of the community. 


A schedule of these activities will be listed here with the dates, topics, and speakers and on the whiteboard at the market. Also check the calendar for activities. 

Jim Wilson provided a program on Illinois Bluebirds in June and the Master Gardener has been out and will return.  Plans for cheesemaking demonstrations, a honeybee presentation, cider making, Home Depot children's woodworking event, dietician cooking at the market, and recently Jackie Mills demonstrated spinning and we are sorry you missed this.  We will try to talk her into this again in the future. 


If you have ideas or suggestions, please send them to the market manager in email. 

The concession stand is open weekly at the market with popcorn, sodas, frozen treats, brats and hot dogs, plus pork burgers.  Great for a picnic at the market.

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